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Synergy Systems (ss)


the gist: For when you want to elevate your process and get your time back, but aren’t ready for an executive assistant.

In Velvet takes your processes and molds them into simplified, efficient, and elevated experiences. The right systems will support your unique creative process, free up your time, and keep your clients coming back for more. Here are the details:

  • 4 Week Process

  • Receive a Client Process Audit For Up To 3 Services

  • Integrate a CRM System

  • Personalized Email Templates

  • Personalized Questionnaires, Brochures, Proposals, etc.

  • Personalized Automations For Up To 3 Services

  • Personalized Scheduling

  • Integrate Current Clients Into the Process

  • Schedule Mapping Optional




For a seamless and quick way to mold your creative business into a work of art.


Week 1:

Consultation & specifications

You will start with a questionnaire form where you will dive into your successes, struggles, creative process, values, and goals. With this form, In Velvet gains an understanding of the client’s priorities and business/personal goals. Once the form is received, clients will complete a simple but comprehensive workbook to describe their current processes and workflows. This workbook forms the foundation of their tailored experience so In Velvet can create systems that fit their unique needs and processes.

week 2:

Strategy audit

Once the workbook is completed, we will conduct a client process audit per services submitted. Doing this ensures that we understand your process and how we can best assist you and your clients! This tailored audit works with the client’s already existing processes but streamlines and simplifies them. We will conduct a meeting to make sure that you and your clients needs are being met. This is also the time to make any changes to the process, as everything completed past this point is based on the audit.

Week 3:

Tailored Elements

We create custom tailored emails, proposals, brochures, questionnaires, and more depending on what we discussed the week before. Automations and scheduling are also created during this week. Once everything is put into place we run tests to make sure everything works smoothly.

Week 4:

Cultivate the Fuse

We come together, and I show you how the CRM system can work best for you. We will run through a client example to give you the confidence and knowledge you need to do it yourself. During this session, we will also add a couple of your clients into the process. Your business will have a seamless and elevated client process that will give them the service they deserve and you time back in your schedule.

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